The spring should be here and actually is not. We still have about 40 cm snow, but the ground can be seen in some places. The nights are still cold with temperature near -5 C. The days have been little bit warmer during this week, temperature around +3 C. Next week maybe also the nights are going to be over 0 C.
Here this time of the year is a bit problematic, especially if owning a car and using it daily. The law says we have to change the winter tires to summer tires by the latest a week after Easter. This year the Easter was quite early and the spring is late, so the police is making announcements, that please you need not to change your summer tires yet. It is perfectly alright still to have the winter tires. Some people of course changed the tires as soon it was allowed and now they are hoping that the roads won’t be very slippery in the morning.
I think in quite many families this is the time, when the most interesting discussions about the car are held. It would be nice to have the summer tires on. No more noise from the spikes of the winter tires. Let’s picture it like this in a normal Finnish family:
- The roads are getting dry and I’m going to wash the car this weekend, so I shall also change the tires, husband says.
- Are you sure, the spring is not quite yet here? wife replies.
- I’m sure, it has been over + 3 C for awhile already, at least these couple of days and I’m washing and waxing the car anyway, husband corresponds.
- Okay, so do it then, wife says.
The tires are changed and the car is washed. Everything goes fine and the husband is very pleased with himself.
A week later forecast promises some snowfall and degrees under 0 C for the night. The wife is a little nervous.
- Darling, should you change the winter tires back. I need to leave tomorrow quite early, wife asks.
- No, no need. It will melt before you leave in the morning and I don’t believe it is really going to be snow and frost, husband replies.
5 am in the morning the wife wakes the husband up.
- Darling there is about 5 cm snow on the ground and the temperature is -1 C, she says.
- Okay, I shall go and change the tires, husband replies, leaves the warm bed and goes out in the cold and almost dark morning and changes the tires. He swears that next year he shall wait a bit longer before changing the tires to summer versions. And never does he actually remember that. :)
And this will happen again in the fall. The questions, do I need the change the tires already? can I wait for few more weeks? is there going to be snow already? do I need the car early in the morning?
Of course quite many people, especially in the city areas have a service changing the tires and storing them. This time of the year is really hectic in such services and it is really difficult to get a time for maintenance or ad hoc tire changing.
I personally keep the winter tires until late April. Usually everybody else already have their summer tires. And in the fall I’m one of the first to change back to winter tires. So I’m playing it safe, but the winter has never surprised me. :)
Here is some info about car tires and requirements in Finland by Liikenneturva (Traffic Safety)
And then a guide to driving in Finland by Finnish National Traffic Police (Liikkuva poliisi) and TISPOL
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